Much has been written and celebrated about the supposed kiai of the old Asian masters of the martial arts. The ability to knock a bird from a limb with a shout is attributed to many legendary gurus, sensies and sifus. One can search for videos of martial arts practitioners flying backwards at the directed yell and hand motion of an exotic martial arts teacher like flailing adherents to a religious faith healer.
Lets just cut the horseshit and slice through the idea that this stuff is anything other than trickery, social manipulation and cult leader worship. When you see a martial arts person fly through the air without being touched, but only shouted at and waved to by the vaunted master, just know that it is fakery on the silliest of levels.
This nonsense is seen all throughout martial arts wherever a cult of personality is perpetuated by the instructor or leader of a martial arts organization. Beware of this craziness.
Having said that, it is perfectly reasonable and effective to utilize sound or "audible effect" in a fight. Sound and its properties can be disconcerting, distracting and all together detrimental to someone it is being directed against. If used in a proactive and effective fashion.
On the most basic of levels, the voice and the human body can and should be used to cultivate sound as a weapon.
Military members and veterans will be all too familiar with the Drill Sergeant's yell and loud countenance. Drill Instructors become extremely proficient at directing their voices at specific individuals and also projecting their voices over a broad group. Certain directional techniques are integrated into drill and ceremony in order to position the head and in turn the sound of the audible command toward the troops. Even on an individual level one will see drill sergeants directing their mouths toward one individual while delivering a command or diatribe, all the while looking at and observing another person in a different direction. This is directional voice projection.

Cadence is delivered through a rhythmic and predictable series of audible commands shouted at and directed towards a group that responds with a predictable motion. Soldiers are trained and conditioned to respond and react to certain commands. So are regular people. All animals in fact, have built in responses and predictable reactions.
Animals are predictable and humans are predictable animals. Give them a command and they will respond due to cultural, social and biological inclinations.
Humans are naturally adverse to chaotic and irritating sounds or noises outside the level of the expected frequency or volume. In other words... LOUD NOISES!
The element of surprise can be capitalized on to interrupt or trip up the OODA Loop (Observe, Orient, Decide and Act) sequence of human behavior.
Actually learning to project the voice is a physical exercise of the lungs, the throat, mouth, the diaphragm and the abdominal muscles. Singers and public speakers tend to possess many of the attributes required for this, but it can be learned by anyone. Breath control and lung capacity greatly increases the ability to project the volume and concussive force of the voice.
The goals of the KI-AI are multifold...
Proactive Manipulation is the overall focus of an application of KI-AI, with strategic or circumstantial goals applied as needed.
Distraction is an essential element. This could be described as a proactive manipulation through the use of stimulus that brings the attention of the adversary away from the user in a strategic fashion.
KI-AI the proactive effort to direct the attention, position, direction, intent or focus of the adversary with combatively applied audible stimulus.
Words by themselves induce specific feelings, reactions and emotions when heard or even when contemplated. Curse words can immediately escalate a situation or possibly deescalate a situation if utilized as a show of intent, seriousness or confidence in an aggressive social context. Calming words and phrases of incentive can be used to adjust an adversary's attitude or emotional level. Command words or instructive verbal interaction can be used to move an individual or position them in a specific location.
A simple shout, growl, scream or yell can act to imbalance, nudge or trip an individual from a certain position or stance.
Sound and its effects have been used in fighting and warfare as a distraction, influence, irritation and command tool since the beginning of conflict.
Warriors in armies of the past used drums, trumpets, stomping, shouts and even beating on their shields to keep cadence, deliver instruction and frighten the enemy. The individual fighter can also harness sound as a weapon.
Bryan M. Seaver
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