Monday, July 30, 2012

The Future of Terrorism

The terrorists of the future will be lone gunmen. Singular bombers with intentions of surviving to bomb another day. These men and women will work alone. They will be extremely successful and they will have planned exit strategies. These people will not want to be caught and imprisoned. They will not want to die. They will gain notoriety through the act of surviving these attacks and carrying out more. The terrorist of the future will steal the materials he needs and he will thrive off of the national economies and corporate assets of his opposition. We will see hostage situations that result in the escape of the hostage taker. The goals of these terrorists will be simple extortion, theft, robbery, mass murder, assassination, media attention and political intervention. These characters will be part Carlos the Jackal, part Osama Bin Laden and part Bodhi from Point Break. They will think of their endeavors as adventures. They will work as mercenaries. They will hire themselves out and they will even follow ideologies. But they will be solo or in small independent cells. They will be of all nationalities and persuasions. We will see networks hijacked, systems disrupted and entire economies held hostage by individual operators with commercial-off-the-shelf devices customized to the terrorist's needs. They will exploit the media and use pubic relations to gain mass approval for their acts. They will redistribute wealth in supposed "Robin Hood Operations". These terrorists will steal the technological capabilities of standing armies, governments and corporations. These are the terrorists of the future... Gonkafied
Bryan M. Seaver

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